very random post today.. I'm into the 'easter' holiday at the moment and whilst I have a ton of school work to wade through and got to go to work in an hour I'm quite enjoying it. British weather has stayed true to form by offering us snow on saturday which has completly dissipated by Monday. Its now pretty warm but anyway. Heres me in the middle of a snowball fight.
and heres a random pic of my cat millie cos she rules (I was testing out the posh borrowed camera this morning)
Last night I saw an incredible program about an autistic artist. What made him special was that he can draw any building from memory. Exactly. Quite a skill and to prove himself he took a helicopter ride over london for 15 mins then spent the next 5 days drawing it from memory on a 4 meter long sheet of paper. Everything was to scale and in exactly the right place- experts were baffled. However whilst they were looking at his amazing talent I apreciated the art side and the attention to detail so I was inspired to have a go myself. I failed at completeing the whole building from memory but I managed to do it in sections. Heres my attempt at Big Ben which should be for the most part pretty acurate.
I have just* finished a foundation course at the University of Creative Arts- hopefully doing a degree in Illustration next year.
(*been sitting on my ass for like 8 months now, joys of a gap year)