February 22

3:10ami cba to work actually
im going to bed

3:11amah really
ah ok

3:11amgood luck with the work
do u want a wake up call?

3:12amyeah dont let me sleep past 12

sad face

3:13amlol y sadface?
(bettter not be the spot)

just i wont have anyone to tlak to now

3:14amim not good conversation when im drawing anyway
or when im tired

3:14amim doing both badly lol

3:14amits dull on my won
i dont wnat to goto be

3:16amwas thinking of going to make tea
and do work
but need help

3:16amu were thinking of doing some work? lol

3:17amyeah i was bout to get up and pick up a book

3:17amdo it then#
but yea- im off to bed

3:18amonce u realise ur tired it really hits you
cya 2moro
dont stay up to late

12:36pmyou doing your work

12:37pmyeah am about to but it si so much effort...!!!

thats y its called work

12:37pmlol yeah i know
well i suppose i better hop to it

12:38pmyup im off to town in a min

12:38pmonly b an hour or 2

12:38pmare you doing work when you get back

12:38pmthern il come back and work together?>

12:38pmyeah sure
but i wanna do it in my room as i need laptop
(too much effort to try and move it

12:39pmto much effort to pick up a laptop?
but ok

12:39pmyeah it dies in 1 minute without being plugged in

i know
well right i will do work i want to do 1000 words today hopefully

thats doable
u strated reading?

12:40pmi hope so
i think i might write bits of each paragraph then add to them with my reading

12:41pmok so if ur doing it that way..
150 words done by the time i get back?

12:42pmmhmm yeah ok i can have a go at that let me tell you how much i have now so i dont cheat

12:42pmalright so 317 by the time i get back
ok im off now
have fun
February 23

alright well i am going to
night night
February 24
Lisa Marie is offline.11:43pm
Lisa Marie is online.11:49pm

11:49pmnm just listening to music

cos u sounded kinda upset?

11:50pmwhy wouldnt i be

11:51pmi dunno
just seemed like it

11:51pmon the phone
and in the hall

11:51pmlol i was a bit tired on the phone
think i might go for a walk

11:52pmloud music fresh air always good
i probably wont be talking though

11:53pmyeah from my headphones

11:53pmyea i gt that part

11:53pmalright i lie i am a bit upset
but i dont want to talk about it

11:54pmi wont ask u to talk about it- but can u at least give me a hint at whats up?
or i will worry

11:54pmnothing for you to worry about
im just sad at nothing basically
ive not really got a reason apart from silly selfish reasons which surface occastionally that shouldnt
my own problems it aint anything major
so no worries ok?

11:55pmi bet theyr not really selfish
u just think that wayt

11:56pmnah they are
just need to cry it out or something
just down
dont like it angry face

11:57pmplease dont shut me out
ur not sad at nothing
theres something

11:57pmI am not shutting you out

11:57pmeven if u dont think its an issue

11:57pmI told you I was upset
thats more than I usually do
its not bad honest

11:59pmim just i dont know how to explain it

11:59pmbut i just wanna help

11:59pmi know
and you ar4e
how are you

12:00amhaha wer not talking about me
dont chsnge the subject
nice try tho

12:01amwhat else is there to say
I am ok noe

do you ever get sad for no reason?

12:03amit just that
letting people in works both ways remember

12:03amok i get that
what do u mean?

12:04amyou never tell me when your down
i want to help to and you shut me out all the time like i am not needed
uncalled for

12:04amno its a fair point
there is more i could be open about

12:05amlol we are both broken

12:05amoh so fucked
thats y were cool

12:06amlike ice baby

12:06amoh god
please dont do that again

why not
we be cool

12:07amok maybe a little then

honestly though you dont need to worry
there is nothing i cant handle on my own

just you know that you dont need to

12:10amsomethings i think are better left to yourself
such as self concious issues

12:10amif ur sure
just as long as they stay small issues

12:11amwhat would you consider a big issue

12:11ami dont know
its just how much it bothers you i guess

12:11amnah nothing bothers me that mcuh

12:12amso only keep it to urself as long as you can handle it

12:12amno matter how silly it seems

there is something thats been getting to me

12:13amtrying the whole sharing thing
this isnt something anyone knows about
and prob wont seem like a big thing to you

12:15amat home my mum has a library of books about how to deal with autism
it was pretty devastating the 1st time i found it
before i was 16 i didnt really know exactly what was wrong with me
and of course cos autsim is so closely connected with self confidence- that kind of shattered me
its only coming here thats kind of let me have myself back- if that makes any sence
anyway thats just background

12:18ami was flicking through comics and stuff on saturday and sort of came across a whole bookshelf or books with on how to deal with me
that i hadnt actually seen before
i thoguht id have a flick through and see kinda what they were about
(always a mistake)
opened up the front page
and the books didnt belong to my mum
that set- theyr all my grandmas

12:21amyou know you can come up and talk about it if you want (carry on though)

12:22amme and her have always been really close- she makes no secret that im her favourite grandson

12:22amalthough i find this better

12:23amalthough i really suspect its actually my bro
yea i find it easier to type than talk
(she was a special needs teacher so used to be the only person who could actually get a converstaion out of me back when i was little)

12:24amit shows she was trying
my nan forgot when i was 18
then sent a £!0
then my cousin turned 12 and brought her crap loads of stuff for WELL over a tenner
i would say bout £150 worth of stuff
she was like oh your 18 now are you

12:25amman thats harsh
i think they tried to make a big thing of my 18th
but i didnt really let them

12:26ambutthey care
you should be happy they care
cause as far as i can tell they really care and want to make you happy
and to be accepted
im kind of jealous to be fiar
sorry kinda butted in there

12:28amoh i know how lucky i am to have family that i feel so close to- my issues here are entirely selfish
anyway so at 1st i was a little sad that shed actually read these at all- shes one of VERY few people iv ever known that i felt an actual connection to
then it sort of hit me on another level
she might not have read these books for me
my grandad has the same condition i have- but he was never diagnosed
hes sort of my inspiration
hes had an extremely sucessful life
hes done all these amazing thing- been all over the world- has a great family
im SO often told all the things i cant do, its brilliant just to look at him and see i do have hope

12:32amthat i have got a shot of a normal future- becasue a lot of other things tell me differently

12:33ambut i hate the thought that he still struggles with it
it really upsets me when i see him have trouble with things

12:33amyeah but he has done all those things in spite of it
that is good
just shows that he has never let it get to him
like you shouldnt let it get to you
is there more?
sorry keep butting in

12:34amit does- he has had the most amazing life
thats sort of it yea- i found a book and it upset me
actually brought it back with me

12:35ambeen reading it
it might help me
its sort of an autobiography from a person with my condition
but i see myself in pretty much every page

12:36amso long as it helps

12:36amits quite hard to read without getting upset
but i figure realising my problems might help me work on them

12:37amso long as it helps you

12:37ambt so far im only on page 23 lol

12:37amlol a few to go then

12:38amso be fair its a crdeited text documenting the conditon- so if u have a disability module you could reference it

12:38amoh well thats good

12:39ami was just sort of looking at it and thought of how it is just basically one of the books ud use or ur course
so yea thats all i have to say on that for the moment lol


12:40amsorry for the essay

12:40amthanks for sharing
its ok

12:41amonce u start typing u kinda get into it lol


12:42amsooooo.. how the work coming? lol

12:42amits not
im just calming myself

12:43amwith loud music? lol

12:44ami always find happy sort of songs cheer me up
(hence y there so many on my ipod)
heavier songs just keep me in the mood
i used to find linkin park brilliant for drawing to

12:45amyou can come up and do work if you like
i should be doing work
or we could go walk but id have to get dressed( havent put a top on yet)

12:46amlol y are u topless?

12:46amnot like the days just started
lol most poeple just open thier window

12:46ammight go for a fag if you want to join

12:47amsure i like the idea of a walk
just.. not to far

ok ill change and pee

12:48amkk i need to find my ipod lol
put it down somewhere

12:52amsee you at stairs in 3

12:52amk say on here when ur just about to leave