lost most of the conversation- basically she left cos she was upset/angry but wouldn't tell me why. she all but admitted it was something i'd done- I think it was when she said 'u just like being on top of me' when we were talking about the wrestling, and i sorta jokingly said- well yea. I tried to get her to talk about it but she sort of admitted it was my fault she was upset but that it was her problem. She then went on about swimming and we were all set to go- but then she backed out, it didn't seem like she was annoyed with me at all though. Which surprised me especially after she was reluctant to go go swimming with me earlier in the day because I'd check her out- but now she was really up for swimming :S. Annoying that I lost most of the convo cos I want to work out what I've done wrong.

if u want company anyway
iv seen russel swim- there is nothing less dignified

kinda wanna go gym instead

besides u get to laugh at my hairy back

so has everyone aparently

yeah and i aint laughed at u

althogh according to justine its something special when its wet
ud b the only one then
well if u wanna go we'd have to leave soon (if im invited)

for which swimming or gym

I'd MUCH rather go swimming
today at least
not in so much of a gym mood

lol i am so bad ar swimminh

does it really matter? Ur not competeing

yeah but you know how much does it cos5?

i think with a student card it was £2
or £1.50
i cant remmeber
prices might not be the same at 8pm lol

alright well ill go look for swimming stuff

do u know where ur stuff is? iv got my shorts right here

lol no i dont know
ima look
do you know how long it takes to get there?

same as walking to walkabout
just up from there

oh man
so like half an hour?

mhmmm ok ill find swimming stuff
ill have to go bank btw

not sure that swimming is the best choice due to the cut on my leg

clorine and other peoples crap

ummm i think justine might have some anti-septic cream, put that on when u get back

i dont put anything on
im allergic to most things

so shower when u get back?
or do u not want to go now
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